Dr. Michiyo Ambrosius

News & Story Ideas

What Is Neuro Bi-lateral Processing?

NBP combines elements of healing modalities such as EMDR, yogic breath work, hypnotic induction, visualization, and dream reading with voice and movement. Dr. Michiyo explains how she developed this trademarked technique to help people heal trauma, get rid of troubling emotions and limiting beliefs.

Beliefs Holding You Back? Find Freedom From the Inside Out

Even successful executives and entrepreneurs may grapple with limiting beliefs that “permeate every facet of their lives,” Dr. Michiyo says. “If they believe they are not lovable, they choose unloving partners. Or they drive themselves so hard to prove they are good enough, but they are never satisfied with what they achieve and accumulate.” She discusses how to discover your own limiting beliefs to “find freedom from the inside out.”

Getting to the Root of PTSD and Panic Attacks

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a diagnostic term for the symptoms of trauma and affects not only veterans and their families but also many others who have experienced fear and violence, including survivors of injuries and those who have lost jobs, houses, and loved ones. Dr. Michiyo tells how trauma imprints distressing memories at a cellular level, and how “tapping”, visualization, and breath work can help relieve them quickly and effectively.

Logic vs. Feeling: Bridging the Brain

Dr. Michiyo describes NBP as a psychotherapy treatment to alleviate distress associated with traumatic memories. NBP is designed to bridge the right and left hemispheres of the brain to help people heal from wounding experiences. She explains how it works.

Getting to the Root of PTSD and Panic Attacks

Post-traumatic stress disorder affects not only veterans and their families but also many others who have experienced fear and violence, including survivors of injuries and those who have lost jobs, houses, and loved ones. Dr. Michiyo tells how trauma stamps distressing memories at a cellular level, and how movement, vocalization, and breath work can help relieve them quickly and effectively.

Kendo, Judo, & Toddler Tantrums: Getting Emotions out of the Body

Dr. Michiyo tells what she learned about the physical manifestations of emotions from watching martial arts masters and kicking, screaming kids!

Stamp out Anger in 5 Seconds

Dr. Michiyo demonstrates her five-second Samurai Anger Management technique, and explains how physical movement and vocalization can help release anger’s hold.

Breath in Calm, Sleep Deeply

From her many years teaching yoga and meditation to seniors, Dr. Michiyo demonstrates deep breathing techniques that can relieve fear, stress, and anxiety and help people get a good night’s sleep.

Dream Reading: What Was That All About?

Carl Jung saw dreams as the psyche's attempt to communicate important information to the conscious mind. Dr. Michiyo explains how she helps people interpret and make sense of dreams.
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